“When I weep and fast, I must endure scorn.” Psalm 69:10 (NIV)

In the Bible, we see people fast in response to a moment––sin, death or tragedy––and also to humble themselves before God in the act of praise. Fasting is a critical component of observing Lent. It brings us closer to the experiences of Jesus leading up to His crucifixion. Abstaining from certain foods for short periods of time or giving up activities and items we enjoy pale in comparison to the ultimate sacrifice made on our behalf.


Giving up comforts and indulgences for Lent is no easy task. We are human, after all. We love scrolling through social media. Let’s not even talk about cutting out caffeine, right? No sugar…what?! Here’s the thing: giving up worldly wants brings us closer to God and nourishes our souls like nothing else on earth ever could.


Take inventory of the luxuries in your life. Does doing without that daily latte for forty days seem like a strain? Good. Then give it up. Turn off your phone after dinner and keep it off. Skip dinners out and donate the money you save. Forgo endless channel surfing and pick up a devotional or the Good Book instead.


God so loved the world that He gave us His only Son. It’s only right we make temporary sacrifices to model Jesus’s devotion to God and God’s devotion to us, and to honor the name of our Lord and Savior.

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