When it comes to staying active and committed to your fitness goals, embracing a consistent daily routine can make a world of difference. However, life often throws curveballs our way, causing disruptions and making it challenging to find time for workouts.

Whether it’s due to parental responsibilities or a packed schedule, maintaining personal exercise time can be daunting. But there is a solution: involve your entire family in your workout regimen! Exercising together not only ensures that everyone gets their daily dose of physical activity but also fosters unity and shared experiences, making the journey toward a healthier lifestyle a joyful and fulfilling one.

No matter what stage of life our families are in, we can come together for some fun physical activity. It can be an event for the whole family, just like family movie night. However, don’t call it a workout, at least not at first. The idea of a workout for most people looks like going to the gym and lifting weights, which, while some of us may enjoy, many are turned off by that idea. Depending on how old your kids are (and their personalities) you can take a couple of different approaches to how you want to include them into your daily active time. It may seem impossible to get everyone united for a trip to the gym, so start small.

For younger kids, make workout time into a game. Doing so, can help you and your kids enjoy the time together and associate being active with good emotions rather than feeling like it’s a chore. Here are some ideas for low-cost, easy activities you can do with your kids!

Obstacle Course

Turn your backyard into a mini adventure park! Use household items like pillows/cusions, string, brooms and chairs to create a challenging course. Jump over, crawl under and weave through obstacles for a fun and energetic workout. Challenge each other to do it faster!

Improvised Kickball

Grab a ball and head to a park or your backyard. Set up bases using anything you have on hand, like jackets, bags or the corner of the house, and get ready for a game of kickball that’s sure to get everyone involved.


Head outside with a frisbee for some high-flying fun! Practice your throws and catches, and challenge each other to see who can make the longest throw or the coolest trick shot.

Dance Party

Crank up the music and let loose in your living room. Show off your best dance moves, try to copy each other’s steps or even create a family dance routine. It’s a fantastic way to get moving and have a blast.

Hiking or Neighborhood Walks

Explore the great outdoors or your local neighborhood on foot. Choose a trail or route, pack some snacks and enjoy a scenic hike or walk together. Keep an eye out for interesting plants and animals along the way. You can challenge your kiddos to find something specific on the trail and make it into a fun scavenger hunt!

Group Jump Rope

Get everyone together for a classic jump rope session. Take turns doing solo jumps, or try to synchronize your jumps for a group challenge. It’s a fun way to build coordination as a group and stay active.

Bike Ride

Hop on your bikes and go for a ride around your neighborhood or on a local trail. Enjoy the fresh air and the thrill of cycling together. Maybe you can ride over to the local icecream shop? But don’t forget to wear your helmets!

Chalk Games

Unleash your creativity with some sidewalk chalk. Draw hopscotch, mazes, obstacle courses or even foursquare and challenge each other to play through them. It’s a fun way to play and get some exercise at the same time.

Since older kids tend to be in and out of the house on their own schedule, give them the opportunity to come and work out with you. Take them to the gym and show them what your routine looks like. The important thing to remember with our older kids is to let them make it their own. When they can create a sense of identity and individuality in what they do, they’ll love it even more.

When you lead your family in activities like these, encourage your kids in their victories. Whether they beat you in the backyard obstacle course or set a new pace on the treadmill, when we encourage our kids it will build their confidence and continue to show them the joy in physical activity. It also allows you to meet your physical activity needs and goals, while continuing to spend quality time with your family.

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