“When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.” John 10:4 (NIV)

Sheep are pretty good followers. They usually keep their eyes on their shepherd because their shepherd keeps them safe and is their ticket to mealtime. Have you ever known an animal that doesn’t keep track of the person with the treats? We’re looking at you, dog lovers.


Sheep want to know where their shepherd is. They want to know where they are being led and how to follow the path chosen. The trick is that they need to be willing to follow no matter where they are directed. Sound familiar?


Let’s be honest: How often do we resist God when He directs our steps? Maybe He calls us to serve at the food pantry, pack a bag for a mission trip, knock on a neighbor’s door or spend time alone with Him in prayer. But instead of being obedient, we think, “Nah… I’m good. Thanks, God.” Sometimes it’s because we’re scared or just plain slackers. For whatever reason, we refuse to follow.


The good news is that the Good Shepherd will always lead us to the right path. The more we listen, the easier it is to recognize God’s voice above the noise. When we dig into scripture and pray, we can better see Him at work. He knows us intimately and calls us by name. He’s never lost. Instead, it’s us who take our eyes off the leader lighting the way.

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