“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Luke 11:9-10 (NIV)

Welcome to the P.R.A.I.S.E. Prayer Method, Part 3! Click here to check out the previous parts of this series.

Below is a quick refresher of what the “P.R.A.I.S.E.” acronym stands for:

Praise – Gratify God and remember what He has already done for you.

Repent – Confess sin in your life, and seek forgiveness in God.

Ask – Be honest with God, ask Him for the things you desire.

Intercede – Step into the gap to pray for those on your heart and in your life.

Seek – Pray for God’s wisdom and ask for His will to be revealed to you.

Enjoy – Allow yourself to find joy and peace in spending time with our Heavenly Father.


Today, it’s all about the ASK.

There are countless passages in Scripture where we are told to make our requests known to God. James tells us, “…we have not because we ask not.” Luke 11:9 tells us to ask, then ask again and again until we receive God’s answer.

When you arrive at the ask moment of your prayer time, tell God what you need. Get personal because this is the moment to lay it all on the line. From requesting safe travels for an upcoming trip to seeking healing, your desires are never trivial to your Father. God wants to carry the burdens weighing you down. All you have to do is give Him what lies heaviest on your heart.

It may feel inconsequential to ask God for things when we know that he knows what lies in our hearts. However, asking for things from God is more about continuing to cultivate our relationship with Him, much like a child asks for help from their parents.

A common frustration when spending time in prayer is feeling like God isn’t answering. And while that’s a deeper topic for another time, it’s okay to feel that way. A good perspective to have is that what you’re praying for may not be exactly how God answers. He may answer in some other way that you wouldn’t even consider. God is bigger than our prayers, and oftentimes, so are his answers. Keep an open mind when you pray. We will dive more into this during the “Seek” step.

Remember, you can catch up on this devotional series anytime by clicking here. The next one in the series is coming your way soon!

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