“Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” Proverbs 28:13 (NIV)

We’re so excited you’re back for the P.R.A.I.S.E. Prayer Method, Part 2! To check out what we covered in Part 1, click here.

Below is a quick refresher of what the “P.R.A.I.S.E.” acronym stands for:

Praise – Gratify God and remember what He has already done for you.

Repent – Confess sin in your life, and seek forgiveness in God.

Ask – Be honest with God, ask Him for the things you desire.

Intercede – Step into the gap to pray for those on your heart and in your life.

Seek – Pray for God’s wisdom and ask for His will to be revealed to you.

Enjoy – Allow yourself to find joy and peace in spending time with our Heavenly Father.


Today, we continue the P.R.A.I.S.E. method with part 2, REPENT. Repentance can be a challenging thing, and it can be hard to work through. We often hear about the importance of repentance and confession together as if they are the same, but confession is only the first part of repentance.

To repent, we start with confessing sins to God. Start small and think through everything that happened in the past day or so. Where was there sin in your life? Don’t think about how to correct it right away, simply open yourself to God. The next step in repentance is to ask God for forgiveness, and thank Him. Christ went to the cross for our sins, that includes the ones we’ve made today and the ones we’ll make tomorrow.

God has forgiven you, so repentance is about keeping an open conversation with God about your sin. It’s a place to look for mercy while navigating our complicated lives. This time doesn’t need to be discouraging or guilt-ridden, but more sobering. It serves as a reminder that we alone cannot save ourselves, but only through the work of our merciful Lord, we will find redemption.

Keep an eye on your inbox for The P.R.A.I.S.E. Prayer Method, Part 3, coming soon!

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