“Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.” Psalm 29:11 (NIV)

Who doesn’t love a good acronym? Especially when it helps us keep our minds and hearts focused on how we should present our prayers to God. Over the next six devotionals, we will break down “P.R.A.I.S.E.,” a tool that can help grow your spiritual walk by leaps and bounds. Think of “P.R.A.I.S.E.” as a way to remember a procession of steps during prayer time. It stands for:

Praise – Gratify God and remember what He has already done for you.

Repent – Confess sin in your life, and seek forgiveness in God.

Ask – Be honest with God, ask Him for the things you desire.

Intercede – Step into the gap to pray for those on your heart and in your life.

Seek – Pray for God’s wisdom and ask for His will to be revealed to you.

Enjoy – Allow yourself to find joy and peace in spending time with our Heavenly Father.


Today, we start with the first part of P.R.A.I.S.E., taking the time to praise God.

Before you ask God for anything, express gratitude, love and joy toward Him. Take a breather, and let the anxieties, stresses and concerns of your mind wait. Focus on giving God glory. Often it can be helpful to listen to worship music or read through a passage of scripture that lifts God.

If you need some guidance, start by reading through Psalm 34, a psalm of praise and joy. Remember what God has already done for you. The work of salvation has already been done on the cross, we need to take the time to remember and acknowledge that.

Worshiping God and all His attributes reminds us that He is the Almighty, worthy of praise. We need to remember that God knows our hearts, especially if we are coming to him with a problem to fix. God isn’t looking for flattery. He’s looking for faithful children, who are willing to walk toward him in times of trouble, not away.

Watch for P.R.A.I.S.E. Prayer Method, Part 2, coming soon to your inbox!

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