When we keep our bodies healthy and active the immune system can work incredible wonders protecting us from diseases often before we see any symptoms. However, like any other bodily function, if we aren’t treating our bodies well, the immune system will weaken.
Staying healthy is the best way to boost our immune system. There are also some strategies in diet and lifestyle that can boost your immune system even further!
Here are some foods that can boost your immune system:
Fish Oil
Fish with specific omega-3 fatty acids or specific fish oil supplements, can boost activity in white blood cells, the foot soldier of the immune system!
Nuts & Seeds
These little guys are another choice that’s packed with vitamins and minerals and can be added to dishes like salads for that extra boost!
Chicken is high in vitamin B-6 which helps reduce inflammation and helps procure blood cells. This vitamin is one of the backbones of the immune system.
Citrus fruits tend to have high amounts of vitamin C, which helps your body create more white blood cells building up your immunity!
Olive Oil
A healthy fat? Crazy! Olive oil helps reduce inflammation, helping your white blood cells get to where they need to go quicker!
Berries of all kinds are packed with vitamins and other nutrients that can provide a great boost to your body.
Particularly, garlic, ginger and turmeric hold properties that specifically help fight infection–plus they bring great flavor to your pallet!
Fermented Food
Consumables like yogurt or kombucha, that go through a fermentation process have “live and active culturing” which can help stimulate your immune system. It’s best to choose fermented foods with no added sugar and sweeten them yourself with natural ingredients like honey.
Bell Peppers
Believe it or not, bell peppers have higher amounts of vitamin C than citrus! So load up on peppers in dishes or as a chip replacement for your favorite dip!
Leafy Greens
Dark greens like kale, spinach and collard greens have high levels of vitamins and minerals that can improve immune system regulation.
Here are some lifestyle choices to boost your immune system:
No Smoking
Smoking causes your immune system to constantly fight off vapors and more, which slowly deteriorates your body.
Proper Sleep
A healthy 7-9 hours of sleep each night will help your immune system have the energy it needs to function properly!
Regular Exercise
Keeping your body active will motivate everything in your body, and your immune system will greatly benefit from a consistent workout.
Keeping Alcohol in Moderation
Alcohol is a depressant. It slows down and “clogs” bodily functions, so too much can have lasting effects on how your immune system functions.
Get Recommended Vaccines
Vaccines essentially train your immune system to fight off specific illnesses, so it’s helpful to stay up to date with the latest recommended vaccines.
Managing Weight
Extra weight puts physical stress on many functions of the body, and the immune system is no exception. Eating healthy and consistently being active is the best way to help manage body weight.
Managing Stress
Stress is inevitable, however, it can begin to weaken our immune system if it is chronic. Being aware of your stress level can be helpful in recognizing when you should reach out to a professional for help.
Good Hygiene
It may seem overly simple, but keeping yourself clean, washing your hands often and generally practicing good hygiene is the most effective way to help your immune system.
Our body systems are complicated, and our immune system is one that can be daunting to manage. But with a few small steps and changes to your diet or lifestyle, you can help improve and strengthen your internal infection security system. In many cases, it’s best to talk to a doctor about what you can change in your own life to best benefit your health. Set up an appointment with one of our healthcare professionals today, we are happy to consult with you here at Franciscan Health!
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