It can be a real stretch sometimes to follow everything God has asked of us. Sometimes that includes giving grace to others when we’d rather not.
In the verse above, Paul asks us to take a closer look at how our extensions of grace affect unbelievers. If you pull up in your car alongside the person who cut you off in traffic and scream at them, only to speed off with your church bumper sticker in their line of sight, it’s a safe bet they won’t be interested in attending your church next Sunday. Instead, an extension of grace would be to pray that they arrive safely at their destination. And maybe take a deep breath rather than honk that car horn.
How do we give grace to others when it feels impossible?
Remember, Jesus gives us an infinite amount of grace. All our faults, shortcomings and sins are forgiven. We are saved by faith through grace. If God provides us with limitless forgiveness, surely, we can pass it on to others. It’s easier said than done, right? Yet extending God’s loving kindness is always the right move.
When bad things happen, and you find yourself waiting to erupt, choose grace. The wisdom and maturity of this one act may be a game changer to someone who not only needs your mercy but also needs more of God in their life.
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