You, my friend, are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Every part of you from each individual hair on your head to your favorite song to sing in the shower, was perfectly hand-crafted by our Father above.
Sister, when you feel flawed, broken, slow or even like you are failing, know that you are perfect in God’s vision. Before you were even born, He knew what your favorite movie would be. He knew that you would prefer tea over coffee. He knew that you would not be perfect by the standards of this world. But you are made perfect in his eyes, through the work of Christ. All our imperfections and failures that we experience are made well through Jesus’s work on the Cross.
No matter what the world says about you. About where you are, what you do, who you are… You are absolutely perfect in God’s eyes, worthy of love and grace. The One who controls the heavens and the earth has called you beloved. Dear sister, you are fearfully and wonderfully made by the hands of a loving Creator. Embrace your uniqueness, for it is a masterpiece intricately crafted by God Himself. Let go of any doubts or insecurities, for in God’s eyes, you are perfect just as you are.
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