“When the cloud remained over the tabernacle a long time, the Israelites obeyed the Lord’s order and did not set out.” Numbers 9:19 (NIV)

Soon-to-be grandparents pace the hospital lobby waiting to lay eyes on their first grandchild. The toddler who just wants to go to the zoo right this hot second. The anticipation of a significant date that’s been noted on your calendar for months.


Waiting. It’s always the hardest part.


The Israelites knew all about waiting. They traversed the desert for 40 years waiting for God to lead them to the Promised Land. Some days were better than others in the patience department. You’d think a little cloud cover, perhaps a light drizzle, wouldn’t be enough to obey God’s command to wait before heading out again. Yet, that’s exactly what they did. They listened, heeded God’s instructions and waited.


The Lord is at work while we wait. He’s handling the details while working on our patience and our hearts. We do have a choice, thanks to the gift of free will: forge ahead with our own plans or wait on God. Waiting on the clouds to lift from our situation means instead of pushing God aside and barreling through, we follow Him.


Rather than act on impulse, choose humility and place your hope in the greatness of our God who never fails, even when clouds accumulate.

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