“Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.” 1 John 2:6 (NIV)

WWJD? We’ve all thought this at one time or another. What would Jesus do? Did you know that as women, we make upwards of 35,000 decisions a day. What to wear, eat, say, do, etc. Usually when we think about the WWJD movement and its application it’s in relation to major life decisions or how to handle very specific situations. But what if we thought about it more in the daily, mundane tasks of life? Christ calls us to be like Him in all we do. Not just Sundays. Not just when we make major life decisions. Not when it’s convenient for us, but in all things.

If we claim to live in Him, we must live as He did. But in order to do this we must spend time in the Word learning how He lived. He lived in community. He prayed often. He spent time in solitude with the Father. He loved and served all He came in contact with. And in every situation, He praised God. He knew of His Father’s goodness and never took it for granted. He lived third. God first, others second and Himself third. 

How can we all be more like Jesus in our everyday lives? How can we inspire others towards a life of servitude for our Father? How can we live a life serving God first, then others? Here are a few suggestions we’ve come up with. 

  • Listen to praise and worship music in the car
  • Ask a friend how you can be praying for them
  • Give your time and talents to someone who needs them
  • Make a meal for someone having a tough week
  • Take a prayer walk through your neighborhood
  • Start a prayer journal

Pray about it and come up with a few things you can focus on to get started!

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