Mary had some pretty big news to share with her cousin, Elizabeth. Mary was an unwed teen, engaged to be married, who was visited by an angel that said she needed to hustle over to visit her pregnant cousin. A lot to unpack and consider, isn’t it?
You can’t help but wonder what was running through Mary’s mind while she traveled. Would Elizabeth be disappointed in her? Shun her and her unborn child? Turn her over to be stoned? Protect her?
Elizabeth’s greeting was far from reserved. Mary was welcomed with a love-filled embrace. Elizabeth cried out with joy when she saw Mary, so much so that the baby in her own womb, John the Baptist, joined in on the fun.
Elizabeth blessed Mary, then she did something astonishing. She called the unborn baby her “Lord.” Elizabeth didn’t need to see Him preach. No miracles took place before her eyes to convince her. Her relationship with God allowed her to see what was to come. She felt God’s presence and instantly knew her Savior. He would be called Jesus.
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