“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” Psalm 32:8 (NIV)

Where do your dreams come from? Are they based on a worldly definition of success? Are they rooted in God’s heavenly purpose for your life? Maybe it’s both. You want to spread the Word of God from your comfy mansion.


Our goals should serve God’s glory and His kingdom. They must be pure and true, set in our hearts by our Heavenly Father. If you think the source of your desires is God, great! Now you can pursue them with the sole intent of glorifying His name and building His kingdom.


If a goal is truly set in your heart by God, you will never need to compromise morally or spiritually to accomplish it. As you move through the world and work toward your dreams, take stock of where you are and how you’re feeling. Maybe your dream started out rooted in His plan for your life but has taken a devil-guided detour toward selfish ambition.


God promises to instruct you if you’ll listen. Teach you if you’re willing to learn. Even when you stray a bit, He can help you correct your course through prayer and repentance. That’s the beauty of our God: He’s a good Father, a great Teacher and a faithful Creator.

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