“Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.” Micah 7:18 (NIV)

Isn’t God great? The prophet Micah’s rhetorical question here showcases this idea because—honestly—there is no one like our God, and there never will be.

Micah struggled because of what he saw happening around him in Israel. He had it with the wickedness, godlessness and oppression of the poor. He prophesied to those living in disobedience that they would reap what they were sowing. Micah also told of a day when a Savior would come for all humanity. He said he would walk as a king among the people: the Prince of Peace. The prophet pens chapters filled with stories of the coming judgment. He also tells of God’s love and mercy.

God cannot tolerate sin. The kicker is we all are born with a nature that entices us into doing whatever we want because it makes us feel good, even if it’s sinful. And although we constantly fall short, God doesn’t hold a grudge. He gives us grace over and over again when we don’t deserve it. All made possible through His Son, Jesus.

Friend, God’s unfailing love is real. No matter what proverbial hornet’s nest you know is waiting for you as you roll out of bed, God’s faithfulness is incomparable. If your chosen road needs an exit ramp toward grace, His redemption is waiting for you.

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