Before the ocean tides roared. Before snow-capped mountaintops came to be. Before the earth was shaped into existence, there was God. The Great I Am. The Alpha and Omega whose word reigns forever.
We won’t live forever. One day, our stories will come to an end. Memories shared with family and friends may live on for a generation or two. Yet the air we breathe, the footprints we leave, the mark we make in the world will all be paved over by others. But God will be the same today, tomorrow and always. He won’t fade into the woodwork or burn away like ashes. God is constant.
Our story can continue in Heaven. It can be one written with the saving grace of a Father who sent His only Son so that we may have life everlasting. Have faith in our Heavenly Father, who can count the grains of sand just as He can the hairs on your head.
Do not be fearful, but rather fall into the arms of God, who reminds us in the sunrise and sunset that we are called to more than our time here. We are called to a never-ending story.
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