“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” -John 10:10 (NIV)

Sister, those are the words of Jesus. The ones we see in bold, red ink in the Bible. The ones we should cling to.

In this world, we will experience death and pain. We cannot escape sorrow or anger. That’s why this verse brings us comfort. God is not looking for ways to break your spirit. He seeks to fortify you with strength when adversity comes your way. No one understands this better than Jesus. He walked this earth and felt all the feels—heartache, joy, anger, sorrow and the emotional adjectives go on and on.

The evil one loves to run amuck and stir up trouble—it’s what he does best. Rather than tear us down, Jesus came to restore us. He won’t steal your joy. Instead, Jesus will give you a portion so large your cup will overflow. God isn’t in the business of destroying us. He sent His Son so that we can live a life that’s not just ordinary but eternal. The future that God desires for you is beautiful and filled with love. All you have to do is say, “Yes!”

Get excited about that promise, friend. When you see trouble on the horizon threatening your peace, be assured that it is not from God. That’s why Jesus came: so that you may have a life worth living as a daughter of the King.

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