- The Book of Job takes us on a journey through suffering and lament—one that is extreme in every way. Join us as we explore the Book of Job chapter by chapter, and ask yourself what it might look like to continue to include God in all the wild seasons of your life. We’ll cover a new chapter every week, so read along!
In Job 5, Eliphaz, Job’s friend, continues his discourse, trying to make sense of suffering and divine justice. This chapter is especially intriguing because it blends harsh assumptions and profound truths.
Looking at Job 5:8-9, we see what Eliphaz alludes to in his speech. It reminds us, especially in times of confusion and hardship, to actively seek God and entrust our concerns to Him. Eliphaz acknowledges something vital here—that God’s works are vast, marvelous and beyond human comprehension.
In our own lives, when we face situations that baffle us and when the “whys” and “hows” of our struggles seem to have no answers, this passage encourages us to turn to God. Seeking God doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll get all the answers, but it means we’re looking to the One who understands the bigger picture, the One who does “wonders that cannot be fathomed.”
It’s about finding comfort in the mystery, trusting that God’s ways, though unfathomable to us, are always grounded in His wisdom and love. It’s about committing our cause to Him, knowing He cares and is at work, even in ways we might not see or understand.
Today, let’s take a moment to think about the “unsearchables” in our lives. Those challenges or questions that seem too big, too complex or too mysterious. Let’s bring them to God in prayer, not necessarily for immediate solutions, but for peace, understanding and the trust that He is working in marvelous ways beyond number.
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