"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12 (NIV)

Almost everyone can relate to the feeling of wanting something that seems unattainable. You hope and hope for something that’s just within your grasp, yet it remains out of reach. That promotion you were passed over for. The mending of a friendship that seems too frayed to repair. The ache and longing to be loved only to be disappointed again. The unfulfilled wants and desires of our hearts can feel like God isn’t listening—or even worse—He simply doesn’t care. Nothing could be further from the truth.


Here’s the one thing that seems so unfathomable in these disconcerting moments: God knows everything, including the desires of your heart. He knows exactly what you need when you need it. He knows which doors of opportunity should open and which ones should remain sealed for our protection. Sometimes what feels like God saying “no” is His way of conveying “not yet.” In His perfect timing—on His clock, not ours. It’s difficult to be patient, though.


Keep the faith. You and your dreams are not forsaken nor do they fall on deaf ears. God hears you. Cling to the everlasting hope found in Christ Jesus. He’s at work instilling wisdom within your heart and mind for the moment you arrive at life’s crossroads. 


God knows best. Find your hope in Him. 

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