We can all look back and remember eating out of emotional necessity. With all the ups and downs of hormones through our monthly cycle, pregnancy, nursing, perimenopause and menopause, it is no wonder we keep that box of hidden chocolates in our dresser drawer or in our desk at work. Sometimes you just need to sneak a bite of that sweet and delicious chocolate nugget that just melts in your mouth. We’ve all been there.

While enjoying a treat here and there is nothing to worry about, constantly reaching for that bag of crispy, salty chips can cause issues for your mental and physical health, too. If you suffer from emotional eating, talk to a trusted friend or counselor. Try to discover the root of why you are relying on food to comfort you instead of your relationship with the Father.

Our Hormone and Our Friend, Leptin

Leptin could be the culprit of your emotional eating. This naturally occurring hormone helps regulate our hunger levels in relation to our body fat by signaling to your brain when you are full. Leptin is responsible for helping your body to keep a healthy weight long-term.

Leptin develops and lives in fatty tissue. The more body fat present, the more leptin is produced and vice versa. Then there is this tricky thing called leptin resistance. When someone has leptin resistance, their body can’t make enough of the hormone to curb their appetite, hence overeating and eventual obesity.

If you are facing problems with weight gain or are trying to lose weight but are having a hard time, ask your doctor to test your leptin levels. There are plenty of foods like berries, whole grains, healthy oils, vegetables and greens that can naturally raise your leptin levels and get your body back on track.

Quick Tips for Controlling Your Hunger Pangs


Fuel Your Body Well

Eat a high-protein breakfast! As women, we usually take care of ourselves last. Plan ahead by prepping a high-protein breakfast that you can grab on your way out the door. It could be as easy as hard boiled eggs, a low-sugar protein bar or yogurt. Putting unflavored collagen peptides in your morning coffee is a super simple way to start your day off with a protein-packed punch. Most collagen has around 20 grams of protein a serving! This will help keep you feeling full longer and prevent you from reaching for those sugary, carb-loaded “breakfast” foods.

Also, drink water. If we all had a dollar for every time we heard that… but seriously! Drinking enough water will help curb your appetite by making you feel full throughout the day. You should drink between a half an ounce to one ounce of water per pound of body weight. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink between 75 and 150 ounces of water daily.


Improve Your Sleep

Aim for least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. If that is seemingly unattainable for you, here are some ways that may help you reach it:

  • Set a bedtime alarm so you consistently get into bed on time.
  • No screens an hour before bed will help your mind relax.
  • Try listening to an audio book or nature sounds.
  • Read a book for pleasure.
  • Go for a walk after dinner. Help your body get all of the excess physical energy out and use that time to clear your mind.
  • Keep a notepad and pen on your nightstand to write down any thoughts you have while trying to sleep that you might need to remember the next day.

Keep Other Outlets Open for Your Emotions

Emotional eating plagues many people, especially women, because of our ever-changing hormones. Find different outlets for your emotions. Make a pact with a girlfriend to be venting buddies. Talk to a therapist. Try exercise to release the stress of your emotions. Keeping a journal, trying a new exercise regimen or even changing the type of music you listen to can help you channel your emotions so you aren’t eating them.

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