You want your wardrobe to work for you. Clothes that fit, reflect your style, and perhaps span between comfy Netflix-watching to a night out on the town. And then there are the sentimental pieces. The tea-length, taffeta prom gown from a few decades back and the jeans you wore the night you met that someone special you just can’t part with. Get your closet Monday morning ready with our what stays and what goes tips.

What You Need

A Block of Time – Make an appointment with yourself to organize the afternoon away. The size of your closet and clothes stash determine how long it will take.

Bags and Boxes – Donate, donate, donate! Clean items free from tears, rips, significant pilling, and stains are welcome at women’s shelters and second-hand stores. Rather than toss them into the trash, repurpose past-its-prime clothing when possible.

Buddy System – A friend who loves shopping, understands you and your style, and gives honest feedback when asked needs a VIP invite to this event. The laughs and counsel they’ll provide will help you reach your goal of creating a wardrobe that works for you.


What Stays

For each piece, ask yourself these questions:

  • How does it make me feel?
  • How does it look on me?
  • Does it mix well with my other items?
  • Do I love it and cannot live without it in my life?
  • Do I want to maintain it? Examples: dry clean only, wrinkle factor without ironing, protecting wool items from moths, etc.

What Goes

For items on the fringe of not making the cut, consider these thoughts:

  • Have I worn it since high school, that one dinner party—ever?
  • Could someone else benefit from this item that I no longer need?
  • Does it require more than a button resewn or the hemline adjusted? Will I actually have it repaired?
  • Is it flattering or does it fall flat?

What Now?

Yay, you! Look what you have accomplished. You created space, chose the ensembles that work for you and your lifestyle, and have a plethora of items to donate to a good cause. Now, it’s time to organize your closet:

  • Invest in quality, non-slip hangers.
  • Hang clothes by color, then categorize by type: tanks, short sleeves, long sleeves, sweaters, jackets, skirts, pants, dresses, then coats. It may sound time-consuming, yet you’ll be thankful when not aimlessly searching for that one polka dot blouse.
  • Hang everything facing in the same direction.
  • Fold sweaters and place onto shelves.
  • Utilize open boxes to organize scarves.
  • Install hooks to organize belts and long necklaces.
  • Invest in shoe racks to find the perfect pair every time.

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