
Bang Bang Cauliflower

This healthy alternative will leave your taste buds wanting more! Plus, the spice level can be easily adjusted to your liking.

15 Ways to Reduce Bloating

We’ve all been there after a big meal or getting out of the car after a long trip and just feeling off. Bloating is more common than we give it credit for, but it’s also more preventable than most people realize. With just a little mindfulness we can combat bloating head-on!

What Your Daily Caloric Intake Should Look Like


Turkey Pinwheels

These pinwheels are perfect for your kiddo’s lunches, a midday snack, a bridal party or baby shower! This is a great recipe to keep on hand for any occasion.

Want to Read the Entire Bible? 5 Podcasts to Get Started

For many people reading the Bible in a year can feel like a daunting task. It’s a big book! And no one has that kind of time! But it can be done, with the help of podcasts you can save some time during your morning as you scramble to get kids out the door on their way to school or find your way to work. Whether you want a deep dive into the nitty-gritty of theology or a simple summary, there’s a podcast here for you.

Grow Your Own Aloe


Feeling Confident on the Outside Starts Inside


Breaking Bad Habits

On New Year’s Day, we will look back at the year that was and create new goals to accomplish. Some desire to shed a few pounds, take an online class or maybe read more books. New challenges can be difficult, but leaving old habits behind is hard too. How do we break the cycles that inhibit us from achieving the lives we want to live?