“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” 1 Peter 5:6 (NIV)

Lent is a great reminder to practice humility by making sacrifices in honor of our Lord and Savior. Without being humble, we cannot honestly commit to what the season of Lent is truly about. Derived from the virtue of temperance, humility acknowledges our self-awareness of our flaws. It also reinforces our commitment to remaining gracious towards our God while reminding pride to take a backseat.


Mother Teresa often spoke of the importance of humility, outlining several steps for fostering a humble approach to life. Her advice included keeping one’s affairs and curiosities to themselves, accepting life’s trials without anger, resisting seeking admiration and always being kind to others. By making these small but critical changes in our lives, we can model the humility Jesus encourages us to have.


True sacrifice during Lent means more than donating toys your children have outgrown long ago or swearing off soft drinks that you don’t really drink anyway. During Lent, commit yourself to a mindset of living modestly and let go of the angst over things that are not yours to worry about. Jesus provides us with the perfect example of giving up the desire for external control that can steer us away from God. Remember WWJD: What would Jesus do? Something to ponder next time you’re faced with a decision to serve your needs or the needs of others.

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