“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 (NIV)

Have you ever tried to complete a project with only some of the required materials? Imagine you’re building a table. You have screws, nails, wood cut to size and a screwdriver. You begin assembling the pieces and realize you need a hammer—but you don’t have one. Can you finish the project? Sure. Sometimes you want to take that screwdriver, flip it over and start hammering those nails in place. Eventually, you’ll have a table, but could the project have gone smoother? Could it have been more efficient? And what about the nail that bent a little bit as you hammered it in with the screwdriver? It could create a weak spot in the whole table, causing it to be a little wobbly. It could have all been avoided if you had the tools you needed.

In this verse, we’re given a clear directive: “If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.” Asking God into everything we do is the only way to true success. He is the only tool we need in our toolbox. With His strength, we could have built the table much stronger, in a shorter amount of time and probably more aesthetically pleasing.

Many of us walk through life feeling alone and unequipped for so many things. Next time you are feeling this way, turn to God. Ask Him to equip you for whatever you are facing. Being a Christian does not mean life is easy, but it does mean God will prepare you for whatever life throws your way. You only need to remain in Him.

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