“Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” Colossians 3:16 (NIV)

If you’re looking for the secret sauce, sister, here it is!

Want to know how to live a grounded, humble life in God? It’s outlined in the verse above and comes down to this: dwell in the word of God and worship Him.

And there you have it.

To let the message abide inside us richly means it becomes second nature: an extension of our hearts and lives. The more time you spend in the Bible and listening to songs of praise, the better. That intentional choice becomes a beautiful habit that feeds your mind, body and spirit.

Don’t just save it for Sunday mornings. Let Him be alongside you 24/7. You may love tuning into talk radio or top-rated DJs during your commute—we get it. Yet, wouldn’t it be unbelievable if something changed for the better in your life when you tuned into worship songs instead of shock-jocks and the Top 10 Pop Music Countdown?

Jesus wants you to live a vibrant, contagious life that others can’t help but wonder what is different about you and how they can get in on it. That’s the beauty of God’s love: there’s enough to go around for all and then some. It can alter the trajectory of your life. When you dwell with God and increase your wisdom of Him, the Holy Spirit cannot resist your love for Him. Let worship, celebration and gratitude be the soundtrack of your life, and play it on repeat.

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