Bad things can happen in this life. Heartbreaking tragedy is too difficult for us to understand. What do we say to someone whose child passed away? To a friend whose husband has left? How do we comfort those we care about when we can’t come to terms with processing these difficulties ourselves?
The most important thing you can do seems so simple—listen. Our tendency is to solve others’ problems. We want to make everything okay. That power isn’t in our hands, though. It’s in God’s. He’s the ultimate healer. When someone shares their struggles to become pregnant or is coming to terms with impending unemployment, hear their words. They’ve chosen to share with you what troubles their heart. Listen without judgement. Do not rush into action to fix it for them. You cannot remove their suffering, but you can offer moments of joy.
Send an encouraging note. Deliver a batch of your famous blueberry muffins. Pick up an extra coffee, and drop it off just because you want to. Most importantly, cover your loved one in prayer. Stand in the gap for them, intercede, imploring God that His will be done. Not your will, not your solution—God’s.
Take comfort knowing God is in the midst of our suffering with an offer of His everlasting love. When you need to say something but can’t find the words, “I love you” goes a long way to those in the depths of despair.
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