Travel days can be long and tiring. Most of the time you’re not thinking about how you can take care of yourself while flying, but more-so feeling anxious to get to your destination quickly and safely. Prioritizing yourself while flying is important, especially on long travel days.

Get ahead of the jet lag and jet set your way into self-care on a flight with these tips.


Glow on the Go

Cabin air pressure, low humidity and high altitude are all factors that can dehydrate your skin. This can lead to increased oil production and facial dullness. To get ahead of parched skin, pack lotion and apply it before and during the flight to lock in moisture. Moreover, bring an empty water bottle to the airport and fill it up before you take off. Drink plenty of water to hydrate, as well as prevent nausea and headaches.



Feeling worried before departure or during the flight? Essential oils like lavender or chamomile help calm the body down and promote rest. Small in size, essential oils are easy to pack in your carry-on. Put two to three drops on your wrist and hold it up to your nose to feel stress relief. Pair this with controlled, deep breaths.


Care for Your Hair

If you don’t like your post-flight hairdo, throw it into an updo like a bun or ponytail. This limits resting uncomfortably on the back of your seat or leaving the terminal with knotted, messy hair. To fix greasy hair, grab a small bottle of dry shampoo and spray it on your roots before putting it up.


Keep It Cozy

Constantly uncomfortable during a flight? Consider layering up and dressing casually. You can always remove layers, like jackets, if you’re too warm and put them back on if the cabin is frigid. Relaxation is key and wearing comfortable clothes gives you room to breathe and stay snug while in the air.


Revive Those Tired Eyes

To combat the dry air and low pressure inside the cabin, awaken your eyes with facial rollers or brightening eye patches. This creates better circulation and lymphatic drainage under the eyes and around the face. Eye drops are a great addition to your carry-on to revive tired eyes, too!

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