“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7 (NIV)

It’s time for P.R.A.I.S.E. Prayer Method, Part 5! Click here for the previous devotionals in this series.

As a reminder, the “P.R.A.I.S.E.” acronym stands for:

Praise – Gratify God and remember what He has already done for you.

Repent – Confess sin in your life, and seek forgiveness in God.

Ask – Be honest with God, ask Him for the things you desire.

Intercede – Step into the gap to pray for those on your heart and in your life.

Seek – Pray for God’s wisdom and ask for His will to be revealed to you.

Enjoy – Allow yourself to find joy and peace in spending time with our Heavenly Father.


To Seek in prayer may feel a little odd. Usually, when we seek, we tend to begin searching, looking for something specific. However, prayer is unique, when we seek in prayer, we are seeking God’s will, a broad and complex topic. But remember the Lord’s prayer, “your will be done.”

This is a time in prayer to slow down and listen. Seek God’s will and how it may align, or clash with the things you have prayed about already. Reflect a bit on what it is you’ve been praying for. It can be helpful to ask how your will might look different than God’s—and why those differences exist. Seeking God’s will means taking into account what you know about God and applying it to what you’ve prayed about. Perhaps he will reveal to you something in that alone.

However, this can feel like a fruitless effort. God is big and complicated, and so is His will. So if you feel lost or overburdened by this, simply seek his will by resting in the knowledge that His will is good and it will be done. Even when we don’t understand it, His will is perfect for us. He will provide us with exactly what we need when we need it, maybe just not the way we expect it.

The P.R.A.I.S.E. Prayer Method party is almost over, friend. We have one lesson left coming your way soon!

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