“Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. (17) Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish.” Psalm 25:16-17 (NIV)

We’ve all felt lonely at times in our life. Sitting at an empty table during a gathering, wondering if anyone will join us. Awkwardly walking the halls of a new church where everyone seems to know each other, feeling invisible. The silent struggle of loneliness can infuse our lives. We’re ashamed to admit it. We fear no one else could possibly understand how we feel, so we face it all alone.


It may not be loneliness that you’re experiencing, but fear. Kids today call it “FOMO”—fear of missing out. You feel isolated. Concerned about being accepted by others. It can feel like we’ll always be seated alone at the table. That we won’t measure up enough to be accepted by anyone.


Fear is not from God, so rather than focusing on what makes you feel lonely, zero in on the truth. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of our Father. God is enough. Even when we feel we don’t measure up in the eyes of others, with Him by our side, we’re never lonely.


Our best friend, our true companion, our Redeemer. Oh, what a friend we have in Jesus!

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