“At once the Spirit sent him out into the wilderness, (13) and he was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and angels attended him.” Mark 1:12-13 (NIV)

Temptation is a struggle everyone experiences, and Jesus was no exception. For forty days and forty nights, He was constantly enticed by Satan to stray from his purpose on earth. Despite the allure of Satan’s empty promises, Jesus remained true to our Heavenly Father and fulfilled his destiny before ascending into heaven.


As children of God, we experience temptations daily. From desiring those amazing unclaimed leftovers in the work fridge to making personal choices that shape our future, it can be challenging to curb one’s longing for an attractive opportunity because the guacamole and chips that definitely are not yours in the breakroom look delicious, right?


However tantalizing a temptation may be, it is essential to remember that their momentary pleasure will not sustain your happiness long-term. Though the evil one’s offers to Jesus may have felt good in the moment, giving into them would have derailed His more significant purpose of serving humanity and bringing us home to Heaven.


When life’s temptations arise, remember that giving in leads us off the path of holding ourselves to whatever is pure, noble and lovely. Walking with God and keeping His commandments helps temptations fall away as we keep our eyes on the One who truly matters.

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