“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV)

The spirit of Lent encourages us to give up our worldly wants and possessions to honor Jesus. Not to punish us, but rather as an avenue to strengthen our relationship with God and serve His children. Over these forty days of sacrifice, keep in your heart and mind that Lent is about far more than giving up things—it celebrates the act of giving.


Lent provides us with an opportunity to give back to our brothers and sisters. When skipping a meal for Lent, consider donating the money you would have spent on going out to dinner to an organization that helps those with food insecurities. During the time you would usually watch your favorite TV show or play games on your phone, instead help a friend or family member. Sacrificing our wants and needs leaves us with ample time, money and opportunity to serve God in so many ways.


During this holy season, consider different ways of giving your time and talents to friends, family and even strangers waiting for a little light in their lives. Every little bit helps.

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