Budgeting is an important part of managing a household, but it can be tough to figure out a budget that works best for you. Many unsuccessful budgets start with too much restriction which can lead to overspending in the same way intense diets can lead to binge eating. By making room for some small splurges, you may find that your budgeting is more successful and brings you more joy. The categories below are a starting point to decide which splurges might work for you.

Something to spruce up your home

In the warmer months, a fresh bouquet of flowers or wreath can add a cheerful touch to your home and finding a good deal is easier than you think. Grocery store flowers are sorely overlooked, and if you check the clearance section, you can get gorgeous blooms for half the price. Bouquets with buds that are tightly closed will typically last the longest. If flowers aren’t your favorite, try going for a candle with a relaxing scent or another pick-me-up that will brighten the mood in your household.


Something to give as a gift

Gift-giving doesn’t have to be reserved for holidays and birthdays and it doesn’t have to be costly. If your partner has had a rough week at work, surprise them with their favorite snack or drink. If your kids made the honor roll, you could give them some extra spending money. You can even pick up a new toy for your furry friends (try dollar-priced stores for the best deals). Giving a gift to a loved one is a small splurge that can make you feel just as good as receiving one feels for the other person (or pet).


Something to make you smile

You might feel guilty for buying something that’s only for you (especially if you’re a mom), but everyone deserves the occasional treat. If a monthly pedicure gives you some time to yourself and makes you feel confident and relaxed, it could absolutely be worth adding to your budget. The same goes for a fancy coffee every now and then, a new book you’ve had your eye on or a lunch date with your best friend. You deserve to have a place in your budget that goes past your practical needs.


Something to make your day easier

“Time is money,” as they say. There are plenty of tasks you could do yourself but there’s no shame in paying someone else to do them for you if you have the means. You might want space in your budget for those nights when you can’t bear the thought of cooking and want to order a pizza instead. When you’re already stretched thin on the weekend, it can be a relief to pay the teenager down the street to mow your lawn, shovel snow or rake leaves. You can also save over a few months for bigger splurges like getting your car detailed. It’s okay if you don’t have the time or energy to do every task yourself.


Moderation is key and having an open conversation with your family can help you determine which of these treats would work best for you. Happy budgeting!

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