“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 (NIV)

We live in a fast-paced, ever-changing world that’s constantly shifting and anything but constant. Nothing on earth lasts forever. That’s why knowing that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow provides a peace that gets us through the craziness of our unpredictable day-to-day.

Change happens. People will come and go in your life. What you can depend on today may be different tomorrow. That’s why it’s nice that we can count on Christ as a constant. He is as faithful now as He was when He fed the 5,000. He is just as powerful now as when He turned water into wine. He is just as loving now as He was when He extended grace to the one crucified next to Him. Jesus will never fail or forsake you. His truth is rock steady when life is anything but.

Remember, God’s got the whole world in His hands. That means His shoulders can handle the weight of your worries. That, my friend, will never change, never stop and never cease to be excellent. Believe it, receive it and share it with someone who needs encouragement today.

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