The start of the school year is full of exciting milestones but getting a back-to-school bug is one we hope you and your family can skip. Follow these tips for your best chance at staying healthy this new school year.

Wash your hands frequently

Hand washing is an easy way to reduce the spread of germs that makes a huge difference. Remember to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds under warm water and give them a good scrub with soap. It’s especially important to wash your hands when you’ve been touching high-traffic surfaces like doorknobs or when you’ll be eating. Remind your kids to make a pit stop and wash their hands before lunch. If it’s difficult to get to a sink, hand sanitizer is the next best thing. Keep a bottle at your desk at work, in your car and in your child’s backpack for good measure.


Wear masks

Masks are a great way to keep others from getting sick and prevent yourself from catching a back-to-school bug. They may not be the most comfortable, but they’re definitely effective. Remember to change your mask regularly and if you’re extra worried about the spread of germs, an N95 mask is a good option that can give you more peace of mind. It can’t hurt to have another talk with younger kids about why masks are important and how to wear them properly (with both their nose and mouth covered and a good seal around their face).


Get your flu shot

No one likes to get shots, but vaccines are a great way to keep everyone feeling their best. The flu shot is one of the easiest to get and while the flu may not seem like a big deal, its symptoms can still be severe. It’s responsible for around 35,000 deaths every year and the vaccine gives you a better chance of avoiding a visit to the hospital if you do get sick. Hopefully, you won’t get the flu at all, and the vaccine minimizes your symptoms if you do. Most shots become available around September and may even be offered through your child’s school.


Take care of your body

Put your best foot forward by taking care of your body before sickness can strike. The first step is to stay hydrated. Try to drink around two liters or half a gallon throughout the day and make it more fun for your kids to remember with water bottles that track how much they’re drinking. Fruits and vegetables will also help keep your body in good shape along with a daily vitamin. Lastly, don’t forget to rest and make sure your kids are resting too. A good night’s sleep can do wonders for your health.


Stay home when you’re sick

Even with these tips, you may still find yourself with a cold or the flu. And if the year 2020 taught us anything, it was that staying home when you’re sick is essential. You’ll stop the spread of germs to others and hopefully get the rest you need. The same goes for your little ones. It can be tough if you’re a working mom but do your best to have a plan in place for when those sick days happen. The rest of the school will thank you.

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