Aging can be a daunting thought, but it’s important to remember that it's not about counting your age but making your years count.

While the definition of “middle years” differs from person to person, it is generally understood to be between the ages of 40 and 60. During this time, you may find yourself wondering how you can “spice things up” knowing you are just about halfway through life. Meanwhile, a lot of things can get in the way of trying to make these years meaningful. Work and constant busyness can take the front seat instead of passion, balance and wellness.

So, maybe it’s time to restructure your priorities and quit indulging in things that aren’t helping you enjoy all life still has to offer.

Set a New Goal for Yourself

As your birthday rolls around each year, try setting a few goals for yourself. Maybe it’s scheduling family nights a few times a month or working out a few times a week. Both of these goals can be great ways to take care of yourself and elevate your middle years. By setting goals, you’re giving yourself motivation and productivity.

Take in the Small Moments

It’s easy to live through small moments in life; a beautiful day, getting a cup of coffee with a friend or a random act of kindness. But these seemingly small moments can make a big difference if you stop to live in them. Small moments can give you a mental break from your typical day-to-day, strengthening your ability to enjoy life as you grow older. Plus, appreciating small moments ignites gratitude for other things you may overlook that deserve to be celebrated.

Have Fun

Last but not least, have fun! Don’t let growing older get you down. If you can live your life year by year, appreciate what you have, don’t sweat the small stuff and spend time with those who you love most, you’ll have fun. Instead of thinking, “I’m too old for that,” dive into fun activities that can be tailored to your age. Something as simple as playing card games with a friend can be your definition of fun. As the years go on, learn to love where your feet are planted and make those middle years count!

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