Some are more like family and perhaps know you better than the people that share your DNA. They’re the circle that walks with you through the valley of the shadow of death just as faithfully as when you celebrate life’s mountaintops. True friendships can be difficult to find and maintain, yet when we do, we hold on to our friends fiercely.
Friends who are also believers in God have a higher calling in our lives. They pray for us when we struggle to find the words. They lovingly shine light on areas in our lives where we stumble. They listen with open minds and open hearts, and we do the same for them. Most importantly, they reinforce the joy we find in Jesus: our truest friend of all.
We were made for fellowship with one another. Living solitary lives was not what God intended. He created relationships to challenge us, encourage us and to deepen our own relationships with Him.
Boldly encourage one another. Help each other see all that God has intended. Most importantly, love your friends in their times of weakness. When they fall, carry them through.
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