Sometimes the most powerful prayers we pray are the shortest.
“Lord, save me.”
“Be near me, Lord Jesus.”
“God, I need You.”
Our cries to our Heavenly Father don’t need to be lengthy to be heard. Our pleading hearts do not fall on deaf ears. He hears our anguish and need for rescue. When we reach this point of vulnerability in our lives, God, in all His power and might, gives us strength. Restoration saves those who are falling apart.

That’s the mighty thing about our Lord. When we call to Him, He meets us right where we are. He mends the pieces of our broken hearts. He repairs people thought too far gone. God renews relationships when we are distant and detached from family. These are the times it’s hardest to pray, yet they’re truly the moments that demand prayer.
God knows the pain of heartache. He watched His Son sacrificed as scoffers looked on and soldiers cast lots for Jesus’s robes. God’s mourning was as real as it gets and became evident when the ground shook and the temple veil was torn as Jesus took His last breath.
You may feel crushed by the weight of the world. Let God wipe your tears and heal your broken heart.
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