Women are more likely to experience workaholism, and yes, “workaholism” is a real word and a very serious mental health concern. Instead of being unable to control the number of drinks you have at a bar, workaholism makes it difficult to control the number of hours you log at your desk.

So, how can you know whether your work ethic is admirable or worrisome? Read each question below and select the best response based on your attitudes and behaviors. At the end, you can see where you fall on the workaholic scale.

The Quiz

Adapted from Bryan E. Robinson’s book, “Chained to the desk: A guidebook for workaholics, their partners and children, and the clinicians who treat them.”

Are you a workaholic?

What now?

While a strong work ethic is admirable, workaholism isn’t a badge of honor. Being addicted to your work can have serious consequences for your health and the well-being of those around you. Insomnia and poor self-care are often companions of workaholism. This combo can lead to the inability to think, communicate, and collaborate creatively. Those around you at work and at home will eventually catch onto your stress, creating a tough situation for them.


So, if you scored high on the workaholism scale or are creeping up in that middle section, it may be time for some lifestyle changes. Whether you talk to a superior at work to set boundaries or seek a mental health expert, putting down your laptop and reaching out for help will have lasting benefits for you and the ones you love.

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