“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” James 1:19 NIV

Do you ever tell someone something important, and as soon as you finish, they start talking about their own issues? They don’t acknowledge your feelings or give you any reaction—they just dive into talking about themselves? It can be a lonely feeling to be on that receiving end. Sometimes we need friends to listen intently to what we have to say. Of course sharing stories is great, but not if you aren’t actively listening to one another.

You really just wanted to vent and tell your girlfriend about how your toddler spilled your coffee all over your brand new living room rug… only for them to counter with a story of their own spilled coffee incident that trumps yours. Now, there is nothing wrong with swapping war stories of raising kids, just make sure that your friend is the focus.

Make sure you are listening closely. Your mind shouldn’t be jumping ahead trying to figure out your own response. Listen well, and respond thoughtfully. Address their feelings, and in certain situations, ask how you can help (even if that means coming over to scrub her new rug).

Listening well is a meaningful way to love others and shine Jesus’ light in everyday conversation.

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