Your heart plays a massive role in overall health and longevity—especially as time goes by and you climb into your golden years. Use these tips and techniques to keep your heart beating strong through every stage of life.

In Your 30s

While few women experience heart issues in their thirties, it’s never too soon to prepare for the future. Use this time in your life to look into the medical history of close relatives—especially your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. If any of these people have experienced a heart attack, do your research on the circumstances and conditions that led to it. Also, if you’re pregnant in your thirties, keep an eye out for accompanying red flags that allude to more problems later in life. High blood pressure, gestational diabetes and preterm labor during pregnancy can all be indicators of circulatory system issues.

In Your 40s

No matter how healthy you feel in your forties, now’s the time to build a close relationship with your primary care physician and begin routine monitoring. Start having your blood sugar, pressure and cholesterol levels tested on a regular basis to nip any heart issues in the bud. Ask your doctor about getting an electrocardiogram now to serve as a baseline reference for problems that may develop down the road.

In Your 50s and Beyond

Veggies start to become your heart’s best friend during this stage of life, so spend lots of time in the produce section and learn which leafy greens you most enjoy. Stay active to avoid gaining weight after menopause when hormones fluctuate and organ-harming belly fat tends to increase. And while you may be nearing or enjoying your retirement, your heart still has many years of work left. Do everything you can to make its job easier!


If you need help tracking your medical history and staying up-to-date with routine tests, Franciscan Health is here to help. Schedule an appointment with one of our qualified experts today.

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