8‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord. 9‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’” Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV)

Was it a huge mistake?

The job opportunity you declined, moving closer to the beach, looking for a new church. You prayed and thought the answer was clear. You sought counsel from people you trust then prayed some more. So why do we sometimes fall flat when we feel like God has swung the doors open for us to take a leap of faith?

Isaiah reminds us that God sees the bigger picture. He works in ways our minds can’t process. If we aren’t careful, we can miss what God is saying and the direction He’s calling us
toward. Praying for clarity is essential. Yet, have you thought about shifting your request and asking God to help you think more like He does?

Ask Him to transform your thoughts to align with His. Pray for discernment between His will and yours. Your perspective will shift when you ask God to help you think differently. When we take our focus off what the world is dictating, it realigns our vision to see what God has in store.

Sister, it isn’t about what matters in a fleeting moment. Moments come and go. It’s about not losing sight of what God has given us charge of, not overlooking the people He has placed around us and not getting caught up in emotions that blind us to what’s important.

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