White lies seem more acceptable these days, don’t they?
They don’t really hurt anyone.
Telling them isn’t that big of a deal.
Stretching the truth isn’t like cheating on your taxes or anything.
Here’s the thing, friend. A lie is a lie. Innocently told or deviously planned, they are all the same in God’s eyes and He sees them as sin. There’s no distinguishing between little fibs and grandiose whoppers: none of them are the truth.
That’s why making good decisions—the right decision—is never wrong. Those around you may disagree, and if they do, it may be time to inventory your circle of friends. Choosing to live a life of doing the right thing will always give you a sense of peace. What you’re saying may be uncomfortable in the moment—even hard to say—yet you cannot control how others receive the truth. That is not yours to worry about. Being honest is also not a permission slip to be cruel or judgmental. It’s about choosing to do the right thing.
God knows our shortcomings and limitations. He peers into the depths of our hearts and loves us anyway. Remember, when we choose to live a life of holiness that testament speaks louder of God’s love for others than any words that pass over our lips. Hold fast to your faith when you feel feeble because God’s promises are always faithful and true, just like our words and actions should be.
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