“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33 (NIV)

Goal setters, unite! We love creating a lengthy to-do list almost as much as we thrive on crossing out each complete item. There are miles to jog, professional ladders to climb and a bazillion mountains left to conquer. Your goals are long and lengthy, but do they align with God’s plan for you?


In the book of Luke, chapter 10, we read about Martha, who’s consumed with being the perfect hostess. Her plan was to provide the perfect meal in the perfect setting of her perfect home while she was—all together now—perfect! Martha couldn’t have paused to smell the roses if she tried. The distraction may have resulted in a burnt casserole.


Mary, Martha’s sister, was wired differently. Mary didn’t offer to walk the dog or toss the salad, and Martha didn’t hesitate to call her out for not helping. Martha was doing all the heavy-lifting and complained to the Big Man—Jesus.


Jesus listened, then He encouraged Martha to find a little more “Mary” in her soul. He wanted Martha to relax, listen to His teachings and sit at the feet of the Savior. Jesus was present to spend time with them. He wasn’t there to watch Martha fret over crafting the perfect apple crumble.


Do you jump head first into your day or your Bible each morning? Before you set out to accomplish your own goals, do you check in with God? Pause, like Mary did, and sit at the feet of our Savior—the most important way to start a new day.

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