“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;” 1 Corinthians 6:19 (NIV)

“You are not your own.” That’s a tough statement to wrestle with.

Paul is writing this letter to the people of Corinth to help aid them in their walk with Christ. He uses the idea of a temple to explain how the Spirit resides within each believer. In the Old Testament, the Spirit of God resided in temples alone, but now thanks to our Savior, the Holy Spirit rests in each of us. Therefore, with the Holy Spirit inside each believer, we are to treat our bodies with respect and dignity, the same way we would treat a temple of the Spirit.

Sister, this is a comfort, not a warning. Paul is reminding us that the Father has poured His Spirit into each of us! He is with us everywhere we go. We must remember that we are created in the image of the Father, and carry his Spirit with us. This brings us closer to Him in every aspect because now, He is never too far to ask for help. God has chosen us, just as we are, to be His people. You, my dear friend, have been chosen to carry the Spirit because you are loved. So let His Spirit in you serve as a reminder of the grace and mercy you have been given, furthermore, let that same blessing spread from you into the world around you.


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