Challenge yourself and choose just ONE of these to try this week. If you’re an overachiever, try them all!

1. Make Your Bed

This seemingly small action can take as little as 20 seconds. When you start your day accomplishing something, you set yourself up for success. Sit up, stretch, stand up and make your bed. It doesn’t need to be perfect. Just pull your covers up and fluff your pillow!

2. Straighten Up

There is a secret rule to keeping a neat home and workspace. If it takes less than five minutes, then just do it. Taking care of small tasks as soon as they arise prevents you from having to take hours or even days to reorganize and clean a space. Clutter causes subconscious stress. Take 10 minutes at the end of the day to straighten up as well.


You’ve got to be tired of hearing it… but drink your daily recommended water! You should aim for drinking half an ounce to one ounce of water for every pound you weigh. Women’s bodies are made up of about 55% water. We NEED it. Add flavor, electrolytes or fresh fruit to keep it tasty. Try it cold or room temperature. Put it in a pretty cup or bottle and take it everywhere. You’ll be surprised how much better you will feel overall.

4. Girl, Wash Your Face!

We aren’t talking about the book. (Although it’s a great read.) In the morning and before bed, wash your face. Use a yummy scrub, your favorite face wash or just put some makeup removing wipes by your bed. It refreshes you in the morning and helps keep your face from breaking out. Plus, it keeps your pillowcase clean, too!

5. Put Your Phone Down

It probably seems counter-intuitive since you are probably reading this on your phone… so finish reading this and then put it down. But seriously, phones hurt our eyes, our posture and—worst of all—our mindset. Try fasting social media for a week or set a time limit on your phone for certain apps.

6. Move Your Body

One of the most common reasons for failing at a new exercise regimen is over-commitment. Don’t over-commit yourself by saying you are going to work out six or seven days a week. Small goals that build on each other will give you more success in the long run. For your daily routine, take the stairs instead of the elevator or park further away to get in some extra steps.

7. Identify Your Intentionality

You may not have heard of this one before: Try asking yourself what your intentions are before your day begins or even before you begin a task. In other words, identify the purpose of what you are about to begin, what you are looking to get out of it or what would others like to get out of it. Intentionality gives you a realistic goal and keeps you accountable and in tune to your overall objective.

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