“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50:20 (NIV)

To forgive or not to forgive? Now there’s a question.

Joseph was the youngest and had 11 brothers. Yes, you read that right—11. His dad, Jacob, was quite fond of him. He liked Joseph so much that he bought him a spiffy coat. That did not go over well with the other 11. There was jealousy, bitterness and a plot to get rid of the kid with the fancy jacket once and for all. Out of sight, out of mind for the pack who wanted him gone.

Joseph’s brothers left him for dead. He was sold into slavery and then ended up in prison. While under lock and key, Joseph’s gift of interpreting dreams came to light. This gift gave him entry into Pharaoh’s circle of trust. Years later, we find his brothers face down before this trusted ruler, begging for his help. Begging for their lives. Begging for forgiveness.

Joseph did all of the above.

Joseph also assured his siblings that everything intended to harm him was used for the good of God. He set himself free by not carrying the weight of the pain they inflicted upon him. He also set his brothers free with the gift of forgiveness.

Forgiveness does not mean what happened is okay or forgetting it altogether. Instead, it shows that you will not allow hurt to hold you hostage anymore. Living at peace with others leaves more room for love and it lets God do good things in your heart and life.

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