“You shall have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3 (NIV)

The first of the Ten Commandments leaves us with a short but powerful message: You shall have no other gods before me.

Zip. Zilch. Nada. God alone is plenty. It doesn’t get more transparent than that, does it?

It’s not by accident that this is the first commandment. Even Jesus was asked which was the greatest of all commandments, and this one came out on top.

It’s amazing what happens when we put God first in our lives. Giving every ounce of our hearts to God first doesn’t mean there isn’t room left for others. Giving Him first dibs leaves more room to love your best friend, your job, your children––all the things that add color to your life. When we give something else a higher rank over God—social media, lavishly spending, elevating ourselves over others—we are not following what we have been commanded to do.

Loving God before all else drives us to do better: be better. When we exchange God for lesser things, they will not endure. Just as our good works are dead without faith, even the things we do for God are empty offerings if our hearts and minds are not solidly on Him.

Say “Yes!” to God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. It keeps our tendency to idolize in check. Prioritize God first, and He’ll help everything else find its place.

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