Sometimes, it seems like there is so much to worry about.
How will I cover my bills this month?
My daughter better not be late for curfew…again.
I can’t leave the house. What if something happens?
Fearing what today or tomorrow holds happens to us all. Yet, as believers, God assures us we can put those fears aside. Regardless of the stormy seas, we can trust that God will see us through. He calls us to find His peace that surpasses understanding in all situations. The last thing He wants is for us to be overwhelmed with anxiety.
Money, relationships, parenting, putting food on the table, rumors of wars: Those are enough to leave anyone wringing their hands, and it can be a lot to carry alone, friend. We cannot control everything in our lives, yet we can rely on the One who does. With every sunrise, we can lean into the knowledge that we are not forgotten or forsaken. We are on God’s mind 24/7, including the things that tend to consume our thoughts. Worrying about the future leads to unrest and can take root in our minds and bodies, affecting our health. Fear of what may happen will not give us more tomorrows. Instead, it robs us of precious time that could be spent focusing on the things that really matter. It’s a distraction from God, His work and the restorative love He breathes into our lives.
Whatever it is, let God take care of it. Go to Him for calmer days and rest-filled nights. The peace we all crave is found in Christ.
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