30Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they immediately told Jesus about her. 31So he went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them.” Mark 1:30-31 (NIV)

Have you ever hesitated to pray about something because it feels too small? Like your financial issues don’t hold a candle to your friend’s cancer diagnosis? Maybe you’re drowning in a never-ending to-do list, snapping at your kids over little things or lying awake at night overthinking a conversation—but then you tell yourself, Other people have real problems. I should just push through.

Mark 1:30-31 reminds us that nothing is too small for Jesus. Simon’s mother-in-law had a fever—nothing life-threatening, just something that made her feel weak and miserable. And yet, the moment Jesus heard about it, He immediately went to her, took her hand and healed her. No hesitation. No questioning whether it was “important enough.” Just love, care and healing.

Think about the last time you felt completely overwhelmed—like you were juggling a million things and dropping every single one. Maybe you told yourself, Other people have real problems; I shouldn’t be this stressed. So you pushed it down, tried to handle it on your own and kept going … until you just couldn’t anymore.

What if, instead of waiting until you hit that breaking point, you brought it to Jesus right away? No filter, no pretending it’s not a big deal—just honest, Here it is, Lord. Because the truth is, He cares about the big things, the small things and everything in between. He’s not measuring your problems to see if they’re “serious enough” for His attention. He just wants you. So take a breath, reach out to Him and know this—you are never carrying any of it alone.

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