“Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord himself, is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation.” Isaiah 12:2 (NIV)

Our time here is brief. There’s no way to sugar coat it in comparison to the centuries that have come before us or to an eternity in heaven that awaits. In other words, we won’t be hanging around here long. Try not to get too attached to the things of this world.


You know those times where life feels meh and you just want it to be different? Those instances are little cues from God that He has something bigger in store for you. We won’t find fulfillment here on earth. If we were meant to remain here forever, everything would always be smooth sailing. No bumps. No bruises. We’d be happy as clams with no reason to leave this world.


When we build up our treasures on earth—success, wealth, recognition—it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The fault line lies on how our hearts and motives reflect outwardly. Do we hoard things or spread love around?


Our eternal afterlife is worth the effort of cultivating, feeding and building our relationship with God. Our reward doesn’t lie in accolades and accomplishments here. Our reward for living faithfully is heading home to be with God for eternity.

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