“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 (NIV)

We are called to be light in the darkness.

Throughout the Bible, in the teachings of Jesus and even as Revelation closes out the Good Book, we see the word “light” used from beginning to end. When we follow Jesus, we are charged as His disciples to shine on His behalf and serve others. The same God who brings order amid chaos, infuses his love into apathetic hearts and delivers mercy to the condemned, has always driven out the darkness since day one of creation.

One way of following in the footsteps of Jesus is through the work we do on His behalf. How we treat one another matters. The way we speak to our children has weight. Our actions when faced with the anger of another tell of our character. All of this just ties into God being a daily part of our lives.

God has charged His followers to shine brightly when the world seems dark. Remember: it is never about us taking center stage but always shining the spotlight on Him. When we do that, people see beyond our actions and witness that all good things are sourced from above.

Depending daily on God allows His glory to be seen by others. Sometimes, we fall short and miss the mark—we’re human. How you handle those circumstances can also glorify God. Taking the path of humility over pride allows forgiveness and grace to grow in our lives. That’s the testimony of God’s light in the dark corners of our lives we should want others to see.

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